In Edinburgh, Scotland, American-born Alyssa has been running from her family (and its curse) her whole life. It caused a rift between herself and her mother, and she believes it caused her husband’s death.
But when a mysterious note arrives from Orkney, she is convinced it is a way to break the curse and ensure her daughter has an easy and free life.
In Orkney, Hayleigh is piecing her life together. She’s sober, working, and trying to mend everything that fell apart five years ago. But ties to her ex-husband prove difficult to repair and his forgiveness is the missing piece.
Maggie Linklater wants nothing more than to wed her first love and to be a mother, but she seems cursed. Her sister marries her love and after her own marriage, she has miscarriage after miscarriage.
When Maggie reaches her breaking point, what won’t she do to finally turn her life around?