The following is a list of names and/or proper nouns in The Wayfarer Prince:
- Ramy = [RAY-mee]
- Arlene = [ar-LEEN]
- Prionscraide = [PRY-uns-krayd]
- Lyerly = [LIE-er-lee]
- Övie = [UH-vee]
- Skyolder = [skyuh-OL-der]
- Lenatera = [leh-nuh-TEH-ruh]
- Jachlanne = [JAK-lun]
- Hyania = [hi-ANN-yah]
- Frytholme = [FRITH-ulm]
- Willann = [WILL-ANN]
- Murdoch = [MUR-dock]
- Ravener = [RAY-vehn-er]
- Wryn = [REN]
Stressed syllables are in all caps. Unstressed syllables are lowercase.
In general, any unstressed syllables will either be a short vowel or a schwa [ə]. In some cases, both syllables get equal stress.